Sunday, December 20, 2009

CRA Meeting Agenda, 12/21/2009

Meeting Agenda
December 21, 2009
3:00 PM
City Hall
200 East University Avenue
Gainesville, Florida 32601
City Hall Auditorium
Community Redevelopment Agency
Thomas Hawkins (Chair)
Lauren Poe (Vice-Chair)
Jack Donovan (Member)
Pegeen Hanrahan (Member)
Scherwin Henry (Member)
Craig Lowe (Member)
Jeanna Mastrodicasa (Member)
Persons with disabilities who require assistance to participate in this meeting are
requested to notify the Office of Equal Opportunity at 334-5051 or call the TDD phone
line at 334-2069 at least 48 hours in advance.
Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Agenda December 21, 2009

090640. Downtown Community Plaza (B)
The Lunch box Café is moving forward. The lease is being routed for execution,
construction plans are complete and the contractor has applied for the building
permit. The CRA is pursing an expedited building permit for this project, and
assuming the application is processed in a timely manner, site mobilization and
construction will begin in late December. This construction schedule will allow
for project completion in late February, with a Grand Opening soon to follow.
The CRA is also considering the Plaza as a whole. Through a series of
discussions, stakeholders have identified elements of the Plaza which contribute
both positively and negatively to function of the space. With the help of design
professionals, the CRA is using this information to explore new possibilities for
the site and its relationship to the adjacent downtown area. Two design teams
have provided suggestions for the Plaza. Both the Plaza and these concepts are
being evaluated by a third party reviewer with expertise in urban design. Staff
will provide a presentation detailing the findings, and will summarize the
challenges and opportunities of the Plaza, including the significance of the role
that a public plaza plays in a downtown and how it both influences and is
influenced by the surrounding context. The presentation will also analyze the
challenges and opportunities associated with reconfiguring the Plaza, and
identify specific issues that will impact the future design, and provide imagery
to help explain the issue.
$138,587.18 is budgeted in General Government account 332-M660-5190. The
CRA is authorized to utilize these funds for Bethel and Plaza improvements.
Fiscal Note:
1) Hear presentation from Staff; 2) Provide input as

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